
C#, Windows Forms Tips and Tricks

Convert System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney and round it to CHF 0.5

System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney monLohnsumme;
while (this._sqlReader.Read())
    strNachName = _sqlReader.GetString(4);
    strValue = Convert.ToString(_sqlReader.GetDateTime(8).Month);
    monLohnsumme = _sqlReader.GetSqlMoney(10);

private string ConvertMoney(System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney pMoney)
   double dMoney = ConvertMoney(pMoney.ToDouble());
   return dMoney.ToString();

// Round Money
private double ConvertMoney(double pMoney)
   return System.Math.Round(pMoney*20)/20;

How to dynamically fill a ListView from a DataSet Table

// Fill ArrayList with Data from DataSet Table
drcRows = AppDataSet.GetInstance().KantonTable.Rows;
arrColumns = new string[]{"Abk","Name","KantonID"};
arrColumnHeader = new string[]{"Abk","Name","ID"};
arrColumnWidth = new int[]{80,436,0};

for (int i=0; drcRows != null && i<drcRows.Count; i++)
    for (int j=0; j<arrColumns.Length; j++)

ListViewColumnSorter.DataType[] lvcs =
columnTypes = lvcs;

InsertData(alItems, arrColumnHeader, arrColumnWidth, columnTypes);

// Fill ListView with Data from ArrayList
public void InsertData(ArrayList pAlItems, string[] pColumns, int[] pColumnWidth,
                       ListViewColumnSorter.DataType[] pColumnTypes)
    int width;
    iNumColumns = pColumns.Length;

    // Add Column Headers to the ListView
    for (int i=0; i<iNumColumns-1; i++)
        width = (lvGeneric.Width - 30/*scrollbar*/) / (iNumColumns - 1);
        if (pColumnWidth != null && pColumnWidth.Length > i)
            width = pColumnWidth[i];
        lvGeneric.Columns.Add((string)pColumns[i], width,

    // Add Rows to the ListView
    for (int i=0; i<pAlItems.Count; i+=iNumColumns)
        ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(pAlItems[i].ToString());
        for (int j=1; j<iNumColumns; j++)

    if (pColumnTypes != null)
        lvGeneric.SortColumn = pColumnTypes;

ReadOnly Columns

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the column allows changes once a row has been added to the table.

If a column is read-only it is still changeable in GUI but does not pass a value to the database. However, if we list it inside a SQL-INSERT or UPDATE statement we need the control's value. Typically all columns that are selected with functions (e.g. CONVERT) are set automatically to read-only.

public virtual void FillSchema(DataSet pDataSet)
       _sqlda.FillSchema(pDataSet, SchemaType.Mapped, _strTableName);
       DataTable dtable = pDataSet.Tables[_strTableName];
       foreach (DataColumn dcol in dtable.Columns)
           dcol.ReadOnly = false;
   catch (SqlException ex)
       throw new AkException(8, ex);

Working with Null Data Fields

Here are a few tips to help you correctly use null field values in the .NET Data Architecture

  • Always set the value of a null field using the System.DBNull class.

  • Always use the IsNull method of the DataRow class to test for null values from a database. This method is the only supported way to test for null database values.

// In all columns of all modified rows of a table, this method replaces
// empty strings with DBNull

private void ReplaceEmptyStringWithDBNull(DataTable pTable)
   foreach (DataRow drow in pTable.Rows)
       // Do nothing if this row is deleted
       if (drow.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted)
       // Replace empty strings
       foreach (DataColumn dcol in pTable.Columns)
            if (drow[dcol].ToString() != null)
                if (drow[dcol].ToString().Trim() == String.Empty)
                    drow[dcol] = System.DBNull.Value;


If it is possible that a data field contains a null value, be sure to test for it (with the IsNull method) before using the value in a context that expects a non-null value. A typical example of this is Integer-valued data fields that may be null. Note that the .NET run time Integer datatype does not include the null value.

Here is an example

int i = rowStudent["ZipCode"]; // Throws exception if null!