-- ############################################################################################# -- -- %Purpose: Welche User Session (SQL-Statement) benutzen welche Rollback Segmente ? -- -- It is sometimes useful to know which users are accessing the rollback segments. -- This is important when a user is continally filling the rollback segments -- -- ############################################################################################# -- set feed off; set pagesize 10000; set wrap off; set linesize 200; set heading on; set tab on; set scan on; set verify off; -- spool show_rollback_segment_usage.lst ttitle 'Current Rollback Segment Usage' - skip 2 column "Rollback Segment Name" format a18; column "Oracle User Session" format a40; select r.name "Rollback Segment Name", p.spid "Process ID", s.username||'('||l.sid||')' "Oracle User Session", sq.sql_text from v$sqlarea sq, v$lock l, v$process p, v$session s, v$rollname r where l.sid = p.pid(+) and s.sid = l.sid and trunc(l.id1(+) / 65536) = r.usn and l.type(+) = 'TX' and l.lmode(+) = 6 and s.sql_address = sq.address and s.sql_hash_value = sq.hash_value order by r.name / spool off; set feed on echo off termout on pages 24 verify on ttitle off