-- ############################################################################################# -- -- %Purpose: Anzeigen der Tabellen Struktur (Column-Name, Datentyp, etc) aller Schema-Owner -- -- ############################################################################################# -- spool show_table_columns.lst set feed off set pagesize 10000 ttitle off -- column table_name noprint new_value tab column owner format a10 heading 'Table|Owner' column column_name format a30 heading 'Column|Name' column data_type format a9 heading 'Data|Type' column nullable format a8 heading 'Nulls ?' column data_length format a14 heading 'Maximum Data|Length [Bytes]' column data_precision format a9 heading 'Data|Precision' column data_scale format a5 heading 'Data|Scale' -- ttitle center 'Columns of Table: 'tab skip 2 -- break on table_name skip page - on owner skip 2 - -- select owner, table_name, column_name, data_type, to_char(data_length) data_length, to_char(data_precision) data_precision, to_char(data_scale) data_scale, decode(nullable,'Y','','N','NOT NULL') nullable from dba_tab_columns where table_name like upper('%') and upper(owner) not in ('SYSTEM','SYS','DBSNMP') order by owner, table_name, column_name; -- spool off;