USE Curia GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[test_audit]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsTable') = 1) DROP TABLE [dbo].[test_audit] GO CREATE TABLE test_audit ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, credat SMALLDATETIME NOT NULL, creusr VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, mutdat VARCHAR(500), mutusr VARCHAR(45) ) GO IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[get_login_name]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsScalarFunction') = 1) DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[get_login_name] GO /* * ============================================================================== * Function: get_login_name * * Returns: Name of the logged-in user. If Windows-Authentication is used, * the domain-part is truncated (e.g. \\SERVER\Zahn ==> Zahn) * ============================================================================== */ CREATE FUNCTION get_login_name () RETURNS VARCHAR(8) AS BEGIN RETURN RIGHT(SYSTEM_USER,(LEN(SYSTEM_USER)-CHARINDEX('\',SYSTEM_USER))) END GO ALTER TABLE test_audit ADD CONSTRAINT default_credat DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR credat, CONSTRAINT default_erfusr DEFAULT (dbo.get_login_name()) FOR creusr GO IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[cnt_strings]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsScalarFunction') = 1) DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[cnt_strings] GO /* * ============================================================================== * Function: cnt_strings * * Arguments: @substring: String to be count * @string: String in which to count * * Returns: The number of Occurrences of Substring in String. * ============================================================================== */ CREATE FUNCTION cnt_strings (@substring VARCHAR(5), @string VARCHAR(300)) RETURNS SMALLINT AS BEGIN -- Position in String DECLARE @pos SMALLINT -- Count the Occurrences of Substring in String DECLARE @count SMALLINT -- Length of Substring and String DECLARE @lenString SMALLINT DECLARE @lenSubString SMALLINT -- Initializing set @pos = -1 set @count = 0 set @lenString = LEN(@string) set @lenSubString = LEN(@substring) -- Loop through the String and count Occurences of Substring WHILE (@pos <> 0) BEGIN SET @pos = CHARINDEX(@substring,@string,@pos) IF (@pos = 0) BREAK -- Substring was found SET @pos = @pos + @lenSubstring SET @count = @count +1 END RETURN @count END GO IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[log_audit]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsScalarFunction') = 1) DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[log_audit] GO /* * ============================================================================== * Function: log_audit * * Arguments: @old_value: string containing @separator separated substrings * @separator: string separator * @new_value: value to be appended * * Returns: Table Audtiting - The Columns mutdat and mutusr reflects any * updates on the Table. These columns contains a ";" separated * String with the Mutations-User / Mutations-Date. The last update * is on the most right side, max num_entries Updates are seen. * If there are more than 10 Updates the most left entry is deleted * from the string. * ============================================================================== */ CREATE FUNCTION log_audit (@old_value VARCHAR(500), @separator VARCHAR(5), @new_value VARCHAR(20)) RETURNS VARCHAR(500) AS BEGIN DECLARE @first_occurrence SMALLINT DECLARE @num_entries SMALLINT SET @num_entries = 10 -- Return new_value if multi occurrence field is empty IF (@old_value IS NULL) BEGIN RETURN @new_value END -- Remove first occurrence (most left) if max number of entries are reached IF (dbo.cnt_strings (@separator, @old_value) >= (@num_entries - 1)) BEGIN -- @first_occurrence contains position of first semicolon. -- The position is counted from the right side, -- as needed in the right function. SET @first_occurrence = LEN(@old_value) - CHARINDEX(@separator, @old_value) SET @old_value = RIGHT(@old_value, @first_occurrence) END RETURN @old_value+@separator+@new_value END GO IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[update_log_test_audit]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsTrigger') = 1) DROP TRIGGER [dbo].[update_log_test_audit] GO CREATE TRIGGER update_log_test_audit ON dbo.test_audit FOR UPDATE NOT FOR REPLICATION AS UPDATE test_audit SET test_audit.mutdat = dbo.log_audit(deleted.mutdat,'|',CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),GETDATE(),120)), test_audit.mutusr = dbo.log_audit(deleted.mutusr,'|',dbo.get_login_name()) FROM inserted, deleted WHERE = GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO DELETE FROM test_audit GO INSERT INTO test_audit (id) VALUES (1) INSERT INTO test_audit (id) VALUES (2) INSERT INTO test_audit (id) VALUES (3) INSERT INTO test_audit (id) VALUES (4) INSERT INTO test_audit (id) VALUES (5) GO SELECT * FROM test_audit GO