-- ############################################################################################# -- -- %Purpose: Show Number of Objects (Tab,Ind,Syn,Vew,Seq,Prc,Fun,Pck,Trg) for each Oracle User -- -- Use: Needs Oracle DBA Access -- -- ############################################################################################# -- -- Version for Oracle7/8 -- set feed off; set pagesize 10000; set wrap off; set linesize 200; set heading on; set tab on; set scan on; set verify off; column Tab format 9999 heading "Tab" column Ind format 9999 heading "Ind" column Syn format 9999 heading "Syn" column Vew format 9999 heading "Vew" column Seq format 9999 heading "Seq" column Prc format 9999 heading "Prc" column Fun format 9999 heading "Fun" column Pck format 9999 heading "Pck" column Trg format 9999 heading "Trg" column Dep format 9999 heading "Dep" spool list_objects_by_user.lst ttitle 'Object Count by User' - skip 2 SELECT SUBSTR(username,1,10) "User", COUNT(DECODE(o.type, 2, o.obj#, '')) Tab, COUNT(DECODE(o.type, 1, o.obj#, '')) Ind, COUNT(DECODE(o.type, 5, o.obj#, '')) Syn, COUNT(DECODE(o.type, 4, o.obj#, '')) Vew, COUNT(DECODE(o.type, 6, o.obj#, '')) Seq, COUNT(DECODE(o.type, 7, o.obj#, '')) Prc, COUNT(DECODE(o.type, 8, o.obj#, '')) Fun, COUNT(DECODE(o.type, 9, o.obj#, '')) Pck, COUNT(DECODE(o.type,12, o.obj#, '')) Trg, COUNT(DECODE(o.type,10, o.obj#, '')) Dep FROM sys.obj$ o, sys.dba_users U WHERE u.user_id = o.owner# (+) AND o.type > 0 GROUP BY username; spool off set feed on echo off termout on pages 24 verify on -- -- Version for Oracle8i -- set feed off; set pagesize 10000; set wrap off; set linesize 200; set heading on; set tab on; set scan on; set verify off; column Tab format 9999 heading "Tab" column Ind format 9999 heading "Ind" column Syn format 9999 heading "Syn" column Vew format 9999 heading "Vew" column Seq format 9999 heading "Seq" column Prc format 9999 heading "Prc" column Fun format 9999 heading "Fun" column Pck format 9999 heading "Pck" column Trg format 9999 heading "Trg" column Dep format 9999 heading "Dep" spool list_objects_by_user.lst ttitle 'Object Count by User' - skip 2 SELECT SUBSTR(username,1,10) "User", COUNT(DECODE(o.type#, 2, o.obj#, '')) Tab, COUNT(DECODE(o.type#, 1, o.obj#, '')) Ind, COUNT(DECODE(o.type#, 5, o.obj#, '')) Syn, COUNT(DECODE(o.type#, 4, o.obj#, '')) Vew, COUNT(DECODE(o.type#, 6, o.obj#, '')) Seq, COUNT(DECODE(o.type#, 7, o.obj#, '')) Prc, COUNT(DECODE(o.type#, 8, o.obj#, '')) Fun, COUNT(DECODE(o.type#, 9, o.obj#, '')) Pck, COUNT(DECODE(o.type#,12, o.obj#, '')) Trg, COUNT(DECODE(o.type#,10, o.obj#, '')) Dep FROM sys.obj$ o, sys.dba_users U WHERE u.user_id = o.owner# (+) AND o.type# > 0 GROUP BY username; spool off set feed on echo off termout on pages 24 verify on