
ANALYZE table with estimate or compute, depending on table size,
see SIGN(n)


Buffer Cache Analysis - Objects (Analysis of V$CACHE)


Buffer Cache Analysis - Slot Status (Analysis of V$CACHE)


Calculate 'Average Length of the Dirty Buffer Write Queue' for
Performance Tuning


Circuits trough Dispatcher to Shared Serverprozess, MTS und


Compare HW-Mark which is say 20% larger than the actual data in the
tables (Ora7)


Compare HW-Mark which is say 20% larger than the actual data in the
tables (Ora8)


Creates a script that grants a user access to the SYS tables


DECODE as a very effizient use of IF-THEN-ELSE


Database Trigger to implement an UPDATE CASCADE with Oracle8i


Date arithmetic with Oracle (e.g. How to add 1 [sec] to a date


Disable all relational constraints on tables owned by the user that
executes this script


Displays an ordered list of all non-index segments > 10 MB


Displays an ordered list of the indexes on a given table


Displays database resource usage statistics (Whole instance or


Displays the execution plan for a SQL DML statement


Drop all objects of the user that executes this script.


Enable all relational constraints on tables owned by the user that
executes this script


Extensive Partitioning Examples for Oracle8 Partition Option


Flush Shared Pool when it reaches 60-70% of it's capacity


Formatted SELECT * FROM 'table' Statement Results


Generate 'CREATE TABLE' Script for an existing Table in the


Generate INSERT statements for existing data in a table


Generate Script to coalesce free Space in cluttered Tablespaces


Guide for Tuning the Rollback Segments


Guide for Tuning with UTLBSTAT und UTLESTAT


How to implement "Sleep Function" with PL/SQL ?


How to query a n X m relation using the UNION construct to avoid
the ORA-1417 error


How to reclaim UNUSED_SPACE from Indexes and Tables using


Install SQL*PLUS and PL/SQL Help Tables in Data Dictionary for:
SQL>help command


Monitor Data Access Activities (Full Table and Index Scans, Chained


Monitor Private SQL Areas and PL/SQL space in the UGA and SGA


Monitor SQL*Net communication activities


Monitor Sort Activities (Sorts in Memory, Sorts on Disk)


NLS: Show current NLS database settings from sys.props$


NLS: Show valid NLS parameters (TERRITORY, CHARACTERSET) from




Performance Enhancements with PL/SQL DBMS_SQL Bulk-Operations
instead of Looping


Recompile all INVALID DB-Objetcs with Dependency Tracking (Very
handy Script)


SQL Statement to create the PLAN_TABLE used by EXPLAIN PLAN


Script to increase a sequence above the value the related attribute


Send E-Mail Messages from PL/SQL with Oracle 8.1.6 using UTL_TCP or


Set PRIVATE SYNONYMs to Schema of a connected Oracle User


Show 'Who owns what where' in the Database


Show 'Who uses what objects' in the Database


Show Buffer Cache Hit Ratio in % for active Instance since last


Show Characteristics for SYSTEM and other Rollback Segments


Show Constraints of Tabelles for a Schema Owner which be


Show Contents of the Controlfile and Oracle Data Dictionary


Show DB-Events which causing Sessions to wait


Show DB-Files with Heavy I/O (where are Hotspots of Reads und
Writes) ?


Show DBMS_JOBS for all Oracle Users


Show Data Dictionary Cache Hit % for active Instance since last


Show Database Space used for all Schema-Owners


Show Database Triggers for Schema Owner


Show File-I/O Rate, System-I/O Rate and Throughput on all


Show Foreign-Key Refrences from / to Oracle Tables


Show Foreign-Primarykey Relations with Foreign Keys without an


Show Free List Hit Ratio in % to verify Database Block


Show Highwater Mark of a table (Choose Table and Schema Owner)


Show Hit-Ratios, Consistent-Gets, DB-Block-Gets, Physical-Reads for
the Sessions


Show I/O between DB-Server and Clients over SQL*Net in Bytes/s


Show INITIAL, NEXT, Total Extents, Total Blocks of DB-Objects


Show Indexes for a Schema Owner


Show Library Cache Hit % for the Shared Pool of the Instance


Show Low-level Locks (Latches) on internal shared Memory


Show Memory Sort Hit % (Memory and Disc)


Show Memory allocated in [Bytes] for the whole Instance


Show Number of Logswitches per Hour and Day as a Histogram


Show Number of Objects (Tab,Ind,Syn,Vew,Seq,Prc,Fun,Pck,Trg) for
each Oracle User


Show Number of Rows per Block for a Table (Only for Oracle7


Show Number of Transactions and other Cursor Statistics (Commits,
Rollbacks, etc)


Show Number of physical Reads and Writes per Sec for each DB-File
(I/O Details)


Show Object Privileges for Schema Owner which can be choosen


Show Objects and Comments from the Oracle Data Dictionary (View


Show Objects which cannot allocate NEXT Extent (ORA-01653)


Show Partition Indexes (DBA_IND_COLUMNS, DBA_INDEXES)


Show Partition Tables and Indexes (DBA_TAB_PARTITIONS)


Show Primary and Foreign Key Relationsships


Show Procedures of a Schema Owner


Show Progress Control for long running PL/SQL Procedures with


Show Redo Allocation Hits in % (Redolog Tuning)


Show Redo Waits ('redo log space wait time', 'redo log space


Show Roles granted to Users and Roles


Show Rollback Segment Report Usage (Nowait Hit %, Waits,


Show SQL-Code of CPU-Intensive Oracle Prozesses in the Memory


Show SQL-Statements in Memory for the connected Sessions (Shared


Show SQL-Statements in Memory with I/O-intensiv SQL-Statements
Calculate Shared Pool Minimium Size |


Show SYSTEM Privileges of Oracle-Roles and DB-User


Show Segments with critical Number of Extents, soon reaching


Show Sequences for Schema Owner


Show Session Statistic (Users Logged-On, Users Waiting, Users


Show Sessions with bad Buffer Cache Hit Ratio in %


Show Size of each Object itself (without content) in the


Show Startup Time of the Oracle Instance (Different for Ora7 and


Show Statistics of connected Sessions (PID, Connection-Type,
Username, Logon-Time)


Show Status for all Objects (VALID, INVALID) of a Schema Owner


Show Synonyms for all Schmea Owners


Show Table Grants for all Schema Owners


Show Table Structure (Column-Name, Datentyp, etc) for all


Show Table and Column Comments


Show Tablespace Status Information


Show Users with High CPU Processing since Instance Startup


Show Views for Schmea-Owner


Show all INVALD Objects in the Database for all Users except SYS


Show all Privileges for a connected User through Roles and


Show all Schmea Objects


Show block chaining (chained rows) with ANALYZE TABLE LIST CHAINED


Show columns that have the same name but different


Show complete System Statistic, e.g. Full Table Scans, Redolog
Infos from V$SYSSTAT


Show detailled Report of Library Cache Usage in the Shared Pool of
the Instance


Show fragmented Objects (more than 3 Extents)


Show free Space in all Datafiles and if AUTOEXTENT is ON


Show information about your current database account (who am I)


Show installed Database Version and Options with Port specific


Show last Checkpoints in the File Headers


Show next sequence number from sequence (without to increment it


Shows actual DML-Locks (incl. Table-Name), WAIT
= YES means that users are waiting for a lock.
Show users waiting for a lock, the locker and the
SQL-Command they are waiting for a lock |
Print out the lock wait-for graph in a tree structured fashion
(Original UTLLOCKT.SQL) |


Show the most resource intensive SQL statements that have been
recently executed


Show total, free and used space in all tablespaces / database


Show waiting Sessions blocked through other Sessions


Show which Users are accessing which Rollback Segments.


logged on Users
Shows SQL-Statement for connected SID/SRL# from V$SQLTEXT |


Shows the User that has performed the most physical disk reads


Solutions for the "Mutation Table Problem" with DELETE CASCADE and
Cascade Update


Summary of INVALID Objects ordered by Object Type


Try to set SQL_TRACE ON for another Session / Program


Tuning Redologs und Checkpoints (Contention, Waits, Number/Duration
of Checkpoints)


Which ROLES are currently enabled for my Session ?